Top Security Systems invested in digital radio systems which encrypts all radio communications preventing criminal syndicates from listening in on our communications.
- Most other security companies use analog two way radio systems for their communications, leaving the door open for third parties and criminal syndicates to listen in on their communications and sensitive information. This can allow bad actors to monitor when a vehicle has been dispatched to a client and also to intercept clients passwords and other sensitive information.
- It is easy to listen in on analog radio systems and even block those communications with scanning radio frequency dongles which are readily available on the internet.
- TSS invested over R350 000.00 on new DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) systems to secure our radio communications.
- Our Armed Reaction, Technical, Control and Admin staff have all been issued with encrypted digital radios.
- In the event of a radio being lost, TSS can electronically destroy the radio to ensure communication remains secure.
- Make sure your security company is looking after you by securing ALL your information ALL the time.

TSS use Hytera DMR radios which are designed for various scenarios, including communication in the business environment, for usage in tunnels and mines, or for reliable communication for police, fire and security services.
CONTACT TSS for all your Security Installations & Armed Reaction Services.